## Setup the project and run the ROS Connection
## Setup the project and run the ROS Connection
> **IMPORTANT** This project was done with a rasperryPi 4 running ubuntu server 18 and ROS melodic on a 32GB sd card. This project may not work with other configurations.
#### RaspberryPi Setup
#### RaspberryPi Setup
+ download the [raspberrypi image](https://cloud.oru.se/s/DJ4sG9yTLsiMZ38)
+ download the [raspberrypi image](https://cloud.oru.se/s/DJ4sG9yTLsiMZ38)
+ copy the image to an 32gb sd card
+ copy the image to an sd card
- since it is compressed use this command
- since it is compressed use this command
- `gunzip --stdout AGTECH.img.gz | sudo dd bs=4M of=/dev/SDCARD`
- `gunzip --stdout AGTECH.img.gz | sudo dd bs=4M of=/dev/SDCARD`
- where **SDCARD** represents the sd card label in the system
- where **SDCARD** represents the sd card label in the systemrobot
+ the raspberrypi will automatically generate a WiFi network *AGTECH*
+ the raspberrypi will automatically generate a WiFi network *AGTECH*
+ the raspberry pi will also create a local ethernet connection
- this should be used for connecting to the
+ the raspberry pi can be connected to over ssh or plugged into a monitor
+ the raspberry pi can be connected to over ssh or plugged into a monitor
- username: `agtech`
- username: `agtech`
- password: `RobotLab`
- password: `RobotLab`
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