## Setup the project and run the ROS Connection
## Setup the project and run the ROS Connection
### Using Pre-Configured RasberryPi
#### RaspberryPi Setup
+ download the [raspberrypi image](url)
+ flash a sd with the downloaded image
+ the raspberrypi will automatically generate a WiFi network *AGTECH*
+ the raspberry pi can be connected to over ssh or plugged into a monitor
- username: `agtech`
- password: `RobotLab`
+ plug in an Ethernet cable between the robot and the pi or configure the robot to connect to the AGTECH WiFi
#### Connecting to the Harvest Automation Robots
#### Connecting to the Harvest Automation Robots
+ connect over shh
- `ssh agtech@`
- password: `RobotLab`
#### Configuring the project
#### Configuring the project
#### Running the project |
+ update agtech code
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- `cd Workspace/src/agtech`
- `git pull`
- `cd ../../`
- `catkin_make`
#### Running the project
+ run ROS bridge
- `roslaunch ___`
+ run Demo
- `roslaunch ___`
+ run Teleop
- `roslaunch ___` |
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